Pitch To Us
We are currently pausing our pitch submission form as we work on publishing Issue X.
Check back soon for updates and open calls for pitches!
Pitch Guidelines
To pitch your idea to us, simply fill in the pitch form at the bottom of the page. Unfortunately, we are only able to accept pitches in English. As a volunteer-run journal, we unfortunately do not generate enough revenue to pay our writers or artists. Payment for our contributors is our top fundraising priority, and we hope this will change as soon as possible.
We look forward to receiving your submissions!
Prose Pitches
We are looking for thoughtful and nuanced pieces written in a compelling style, accessible to a broad audience, and conceived from a fresh perspective. We are enthusiastic about journalistic articles, essays, creative nonfiction, interviews or profiles, and reviews of movies, books, and other media. Authors should feel free — and encouraged — to break categorical barriers. We encourage all pitches to include voices of their subjects where possible. You may submit a piece inspired by academic research; however, it should be adapted and contextualized for a general audience. Please note that articles should be between 1000-1500 words.
If you are focusing on recent developments in climate science, policy, and impacts, we hope you’ll bring in a bit of wider context or make an argument.
If you want to go in-depth on a particular climatic impact or experience, we encourage you to interweave social and cultural realities with politics and science. We are especially interested in investigative pieces that relate to the author’s local community.
We hope that all pieces will incorporate interviews, engage with other writers, or otherwise ground themselves in a community of thought. We encourage interviews of thinkers, activists, and people who are experiencing climate change as well as scientists, politicians, and other more traditional climate authorities.
Artistic Pitches
Anthroposphere is also seeking a strong cohort of creative pieces which work to convey the shifting experiences of life in a regime of climate uncertainty and landscape change. Pitches for fiction, poetry, and non-written media of all kinds are all welcome. If you are pitching your own non-written artwork, we will also ask you for a brief accompanying discussion.
Make sure your pitches give us a sense of your style as well as your intent. Include samples and examples, if you can, and feel free to be creative!
We’re keen on photography and photojournalism, as well as on video, audio, and multimedia explainers. Send us your photos and films!
Anthroposphere conceives of its focus broadly, and we encourage all pitches which engage thoughtfully or provocatively with climatic and landscape change and their associated themes. We are not, however, a general environmental publication. Please make sure your pitches speak to us and our subject matter, even if tangentially.
Primer Pitches
This issue, we are carrying forward a series of primers, which briefly introduce an issue or concept related to climate change. While primers will aim to cover their topic in an introductory manner, we hope that they will also explore a particular argument related to the issue at hand, or frame their analysis through a particular lens. Primers should be 500-800 words in length, and should be written in an informal but expert voice. A longer example can be read here.
If you have any questions, please get in touch with us at anthroposphere.review@gmail.com.